Names of Óðinn in Gesta Danorum

Óðinn is the Norse deity who appears most frequently throughout the first nine books of Gesta Danorum. His name is variously rendered as Othinus, Othynus and Othin , and readers familiar with the Icelandic corpus will instantly recognize his many characteristics: The one-eyed old man appearing in many guises and under many names, riding a special horse, consulting oracles, granting courage, poetic ability and invulnerability to his chosen champions, ever anxious to have the spirits of the fallen dedicated to him etc., ie. the Óðinn from poetry and legendary sagas. Óðinn/ Othinus appearing under strange names is familiar to us - but was he familiar to Saxo? Axel Olrik expressed serious doubt about the cleric's ability to recognize the deity in his source material: "We recognize Odin easily enough; even the names under which he appears do not serve to hide him from us, but to reveal to us his true nature [...] this is not the case for Saxo; only a few times does he know ...